Saturday, October 18, 2014

Where to start...

Starting Out With Essential Oils...

So the most common question it seems is "where do I start?" I get it, really I do. The world of essential oils can seem overwhelming. I've even had one person tell me it is like reading another language. I felt that way too in the beginning. It is hard to believe how far I've come in the past 8 months. You see, I am a researcher. Not by trade or anything. But I research something to death before I begin. Call it caution, informed decision, or neuroticism :). But if I have any inkling that I am going to get sucked into something, I want to know how badly I'm gonna be hooked before I commit. This is a long standing pattern in my life. (Usually) It serves me well. Starting my journey with essential oils was no different. One of the things I love about Camp Wander is how she cites reference articles in many of her posts. Facts - love it! 

I shared last week how I started with Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint, or LLP, for my allergies. After researching oils and how people use them, I decided to attack a problem, my allergies. But it doesn't have to start that way. You can just start with appreciating the way something smells. Aromatherapy. There are so many health benefits to be had while enjoying a scent from a pure essential oil. Or maybe you just need to start with a few drops of lemon, or lime, or orange, in your water. Our Citrus Kit is great for that. 

With all of that said....

I usually say to start with the Essential 4 pack  because you can do so much with it. Here is a great printable from OGT , and another

However, If you have any anxiety - diffusing LXR is the BEST! I also dab a little on the back of my neck, over my heart, and on my wrists.  

At this time of year I might suggest starting with a bottle of Shield  and a diffuser. It is great for killing germs and keeping the whole house healthy. 

One of the benefits of Spark Naturals is that they offer their oils in both a 5 ml and 15 ml size. I would start with the 5 ml bottles of things so you can tell if you like it. There are certain ones I knew right away my re-order would be a 15ml because I love it so much **read I cannot live without my LXR**

If you just want to jump in and buy several oils to start, than the Health and Wellness kit is the best place to start.  It is 10 - 5ml bottles of 7 single oils and 3 blends all focused on your health and staying well.

What I would have done different now that I'm "all in". 

*Buy a diffuser right at the start. I waited several months. I now realize it would have been better if I had postponed a few of the oils I bought in the beginning to redirect those funds to a diffuser. It is an investment, but well worth it and everyone benefits from diffusing. I wouldn't be without it now. Plus it is a great way to ease yourself (and family) in. I know I often post of my topical and internal use of some oils, but diffusing is very effective as well.

*Try the blends early in your journey. Spark Naturals has already done the work for you on these. They are so easy! Why reinvent the wheel.

*Try some of the single oils for their properties listed in their description on the website. I was excited to make blends at the start and always felt I was "missing" an oil I needed. I've discovered that sometimes less is more. 

*Key Point!!!  If you hear nothing else in this post, please here this. The purity of your essential oils matters. A lot! I started with a few cheaper oils from the health food store. I did not get the results I had read about. Even though they said "pure", they weren't. Scary to think what chemicals I may have exposed myself to as well. I could instantly tell the difference with the first Spark Naturals oils I ordered. I trust Spark Naturals. They are tested pure. Here is the excerpt from their web site:
Spark Naturals  products are Certified Pure PharmaGrade – CPPG – a physical standard ensuring our products are of the appropriate identity, strength, quality, purity, and consistency standards used internationally for quality and purity. Our raw materials are tested and authenticated to be of pharmaceutical grade purity. 
But more than that I trust the experience of others I respect, who trust Spark Naturals too. Whatever brand essential oils you use, please make sure they are tested, high quality, pure, oils. Here is a great post of a simple way to check

However you decide to start, just start. It will begin to open your eyes to some great tools for health. If you have questions please contact me. I am happy to try to answer them or help you find the answer. 

Happy Beginnings!

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