First, let me give you a little background...
Sunday January 11th I decided that shredded bbq chicken sandwiches sounded like a good dinner. Then I realized that this decision came too late in the day to use my trusty crock pot. Soooo, I had an epiphany and decided to put 3 pounds of organic chicken breasts on the stove to cook slowly for shredded bbq chicken sandwiches. Seemed like a good idea at the time. One hour later The Fam decided it was a good time to go shopping for supplies for the upcoming baseball season. We. All. Left. The. House. Totally forgetting about the chicken on the stove. We returned 2+ hours later to a entire home FULL of white smoke. I later learned they call this "protein smoke". Apparently the worst type to get rid of - I'm lucky like that :).
Well, being the optimists that we are, my sweet husband and I thought "we'll just throw open the windows and turn on the air. It will clear out by morning and all will be well". It didn't quite work that way. It took a good hour just to be able to see in the house again. I woke up at midnight unable to breathe, pounding headache, and coughing like crazy (I have asthma). By 5 am we realized this wasn't what we thought. We called our insurance company and were placed in a hotel for the cleanup. We finally returned home February 27th. Sheesh! Never would have thought... I guess that 20 years of paying homeowners insurance was worth it.
Living away from home for an extended amount of time, without our normal routine, has been a learning experience. That first day I packed up ALL of my EOs and a few of my supplies/accessories. Honestly, I didn't think I would need them all, or even most of them. I was nervous about my investment sitting in my home on lock box. Hey, they told me to take all valuables out of the house. As I have learned things about using my oils away from home, I have posted tips on my Facebook page. I'm now gathering all of that information into one place just in case you are ever planning to be gone for weeks on end (or heaven forbid, displaced from your home suddenly). Without further ado...
EO's in the Hotel
EOs in the hotel lesson #1: You cannot make Shield tea in the styrofoam cups they put in your room... the Shield eats a hole right through the cup... before you even have a chance to stir it. EOs - 1,synthetic product - 0
EOs in the hotel lesson #3: Bring the diffuser. Benefits are many. Including good favor with the housekeeping staff. They told me they love cleaning my room. It smells so good and relaxing!
EOs in the hotel lesson #4: Having extra bottles of stress relieving oils already on hand was a life saver. I might be going through a little more LXR, Jeddy's, lavender, Zen, roman chamomile, and lemon than normal these last 2 weeks....
EOs in the hotel lesson #5: A drop of lemon or grapefruit can go a long way in making hotel tap water both safe and palatable. Desperate times calls for desperate measures
EOs in the hotel lesson #6: Dream sleep blend, lavender or Zen on the bottoms of my feet help overcome the "hotel noise", so I can get the rest I need
EOs in the hotel lesson #7: It is totally worth the effort to figure out how to pack and transport ALL your EOs to the hotel if you are going to be gone more than a week (4 weeks now... headed into week 5).
EOs in the hotel lesson #8: Not sure how to transport some carrier oils to the hotel, I 3/4 filled, (and labeled) a couple of roller bottles with just a carrier oil so I could add whatever EOs I needed later. I also brought a few empty sample bottles. This was a good idea...
EOs in the hotel lesson #9: Some of the most important oils I brought with me are the citrus oils - so versatile and MOOD LIFTING, I need that right now!
EOs in the hotel lesson #10: Even extra cold and flu bomb supplies may not be enough. Nothing like close quarters and stress for sharing germs! - sheesh!
EOs in the hotel lesson #11: One of the keys to EOs is consistency. This is so difficult in the hotel as my routine is changed. Setting a phone alarm for daily at the same time would have been a great idea... hindsight
EOs in the hotel lesson #12: air flow in a hotel room is often "different". Turn on your diffuser and wait to see where the mist is drifting. Then place your diffuser in the most optimal location. My son had to place the diffuser on the night stand furthest from him, not the one next to his head, to get the mist to blow near him while he slept.
EOs in the hotel lesson #13: you will go through more of everything EO related than you do at home.
EOs in the hotel lesson #14: you can receive a package/mail at the hotel. The front desk is happy to sign for it. (See lesson #13)
EOs in the hotel lesson #4: Having extra bottles of stress relieving oils already on hand was a life saver. I might be going through a little more LXR, Jeddy's, lavender, Zen, roman chamomile, and lemon than normal these last 2 weeks....
EOs in the hotel lesson #5: A drop of lemon or grapefruit can go a long way in making hotel tap water both safe and palatable. Desperate times calls for desperate measures
EOs in the hotel lesson #6: Dream sleep blend, lavender or Zen on the bottoms of my feet help overcome the "hotel noise", so I can get the rest I need
EOs in the hotel lesson #7: It is totally worth the effort to figure out how to pack and transport ALL your EOs to the hotel if you are going to be gone more than a week (4 weeks now... headed into week 5).
EOs in the hotel lesson #8: Not sure how to transport some carrier oils to the hotel, I 3/4 filled, (and labeled) a couple of roller bottles with just a carrier oil so I could add whatever EOs I needed later. I also brought a few empty sample bottles. This was a good idea...
EOs in the hotel lesson #9: Some of the most important oils I brought with me are the citrus oils - so versatile and MOOD LIFTING, I need that right now!
EOs in the hotel lesson #10: Even extra cold and flu bomb supplies may not be enough. Nothing like close quarters and stress for sharing germs! - sheesh!
EOs in the hotel lesson #11: One of the keys to EOs is consistency. This is so difficult in the hotel as my routine is changed. Setting a phone alarm for daily at the same time would have been a great idea... hindsight
EOs in the hotel lesson #12: air flow in a hotel room is often "different". Turn on your diffuser and wait to see where the mist is drifting. Then place your diffuser in the most optimal location. My son had to place the diffuser on the night stand furthest from him, not the one next to his head, to get the mist to blow near him while he slept.
EOs in the hotel lesson #13: you will go through more of everything EO related than you do at home.
EOs in the hotel lesson #14: you can receive a package/mail at the hotel. The front desk is happy to sign for it. (See lesson #13)
EOs in the hotel lesson #15: Picking a specific, convenient place to keep certain EOs will help you remember to use it daily with consistency. For example, leave the Lemon EO by the drinking glass or bottled water, leave the bottle of dream by the bedside.
EOs in the hotel lesson #16:Increased and consistent use of stress combating EOs will prevent the frequent use of antiviral and digestive support EOs.
EOs in the hotel lesson #17: Once I realized that it was the hotel towels (I suspect the detergent or bleach they use) that were making my skin itch like crazy, a few drops of LLP in my morning lotion routine fixed it! No more itching insanity!

EOs in the hotel lesson #18: EOs in general had a grounding effect on me. They were a sense of stability, normalcy, something I could count on being there and working properly :). I'm sure I could have lived this past 7 weeks without them, but the time would not have gone as smooth or as healthy.
If you find yourself wanting to stock up on some essential oils check out this link for Spark Naturals. I trust them completely and use them daily. They are a pure and very fairly priced. You can even get 10% off of every order with the coupon code BENDERBOYMOM. If you want to start an EO journey of your own and don't know where to begin, please read through this blog. Feel free to comment with any questions, Facebook message me at Mom's EOs, or email me at I would love to help you get started.
EOs in the hotel lesson #6: Dream sleep blend, lavender or Zen on the bottoms of my feet help overcome the "hotel noise", so I can get the rest I needink emoticon
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EOs in the hotel lesson #16:Increased and consistent use of stress combating EOs will prevent the frequent use of antiviral and digestive support EOs.
EOs in the hotel lesson #17: Once I realized that it was the hotel towels (I suspect the detergent or bleach they use) that were making my skin itch like crazy, a few drops of LLP in my morning lotion routine fixed it! No more itching insanity!

EOs in the hotel lesson #18: EOs in general had a grounding effect on me. They were a sense of stability, normalcy, something I could count on being there and working properly :). I'm sure I could have lived this past 7 weeks without them, but the time would not have gone as smooth or as healthy.
If you find yourself wanting to stock up on some essential oils check out this link for Spark Naturals. I trust them completely and use them daily. They are a pure and very fairly priced. You can even get 10% off of every order with the coupon code BENDERBOYMOM. If you want to start an EO journey of your own and don't know where to begin, please read through this blog. Feel free to comment with any questions, Facebook message me at Mom's EOs, or email me at I would love to help you get started.
EOs in the hotel lesson #6: Dream sleep blend, lavender or Zen on the bottoms of my feet help overcome the "hotel noise", so I can get the rest I needink emoticon
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