My Natural Deodorant Journey...
Some people look up a recipe for natural deodorant on the internet, make it, use it, and they are done. Others are like... me. This has been a long process of finding the "right" recipe. Let me start at the beginning....
Deodorant was the first health and beauty product that I set out to replace with a natural alternative. The research out there on the negative effects of commercial, chemical-laden, deodorant is just too numerous to ignore.
I thought, this will be easy. Just make one and use it. Hmmmm. Not quite. At the risk of TMI.... I will tell you, I smell. I always have. Bob is so sweet, he'll tell me I don't, but I know I do. I was one of the people that they make "clinical strength" deodorant for. I don't "glow", I sweat.
So I looked for recipes that stated they were "extra strength". I made them up and tried them. They would work some days, and not others. But my biggest issue with them was my sensitive skin. My pits seemed to burn or break out with every new recipe I tried. So it was back to the kitchen to try another.
This post isn't as much to share a recipe, since you can google and get hundreds. It is to share a journey and encourage you on your own journey to replace chemicals with natural ingredients.
I started my trial period in the fall. Convenient for one who lives in the AZ heat? Yup, I planned it that way. However, I am stubborn and I have never looked back. I'm now headed into my second summer (read 110 degrees for months).
I want to share several things I have learned on the journey. I would have found success sooner had I been able to read all of these tips in one post. And I like lists :)
~~You will smell the first few weeks no matter what. Your body is purging all of the chemicals and old bacteria, it's detoxing. Plan accordingly. I brought wet wipes to work, and extra of the current deodorant I was trying. My restroom breaks took a little longer.
~~You can expedite this detox process with this
Armpit detox by Camp Wander. She also has a great explanation in this post of why you should stop using commercial deodorants.
~~Antiperspirant is unhealthy. Sweating is a way our body rids itself of toxins. If we stop it from sweating, guess where the toxins are.... Honestly, I used to sweat buckets, now that I use natural deodorant, I hardly sweat at all. I think it was a bad cycle of me stopping it, more toxins building, body trying harder to get them out, more sweat, and on it goes.
~It helps to make new recipes in 1/2 or 1/4 amounts. If you react to it, or you don't like the smell you are out less ingredients.
~You won't have a deodorant that goes on dry. Get over it. Make it be the first thing you apply out of the shower so it has time to soak in/dry. Just like any other area of your life you will make small sacrifices for the greater benefits of health.
~~Smell is caused from bacteria so essential oils with antibacterial properties work better.
I found that improving my gut health and building up the good bacteria in my body improved my body odor immensely. There was less for my new deodorant to have to 'fight'. My good and harmful bacteria have been out of balance all my life - maybe the reason I've always fought pit odor?? - could be.
~~Shaving my pits daily is critical. I think the bacteria must stick to the hairs? Just my guess. But experience says; shaving means deodorant works, skipping shaving means I smell.
~Stress sweat smells different that sweat from heat or physical exertion, and doesn't have the same causes. Learning to "let go" of things and try not to stress was not only good for my mental health but it helped my body smell better too.
Magnesium oil works! But it is a little irritating to my sensitive skin. I solve this by using it daily, then also using a soothing salve over it.
~~More is not always better with essential oils. I've found that if an oil is going to work with my chemistry, it works with only a few drops. If 4 drops doesn't work at all, then 10 won't either. On the flip side if you notice a difference with only 3 drops, 5 may improve the result. I've found this principle can apply to using EOs with anything, not just deodorant.
~~Just because I'm sensitive to an ingredient doesn't mean I can't use it at all. Lemongrass causes a rash on me if I don't dilute it. I found diluting with witch hazel wasn't enough, but putting it in with the healing salve works for me. Also, the straight magnesium oil causes a sting and red bumps for me as the recipe is written. I use 1/2 magnesium oil and 1/2 witch hazel and that dilutes the magnesium oil enough to not cause a reaction but I still get the benefits from it.
Some of my journal notes on deodorant |
I've tried sooooo many different types of natural deodorants I've lost count. I've tried solids, cremes, gels and liquid sprays. In the end it is worth it to find what works for you. Don't give up the fight. As I remove more and more chemicals from my life I can clearly see the effect they were having on my body.
What am I currently using?
Magnesium oil in a
2 oz spray bottle with witch hazel and 6 drops ea. of
Lavender, 3 drops ea.
Cypress and
Melaleuca. Then I follow up with
healing slave to calm/condition my sensitive skin. Happy discovery was in the winter the healing salve by itself is a deodorant for me. Like I said, it is a process, but worth it! I recently tried to dissolve my magnesium flakes in the oil of the salve to save a step. Don't try it, doesn't work - bummer.
***I believe it is critical to use organic and pure ingredients, from your
coconut oil and
beeswax to the
essential oils. If you choose to buy your oils through
Spark Naturals you can rest assured that your products are of the highest quality and pure. You should also use coupon code BENDERBOYMOM to get 10% off of your order. Shipping is free after $55, and a reasonable $5 flat rate for orders lower than $55.
Do you use a natural deodorant that works great for you? Please share in the comments! As always, feel free to comment or message me with any questions and I'll help you find the answers. We are on this journey together :)