Let's talk headaches -
I hate them! I've been getting headaches as early as I can remember.
Now, I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one on TV. There are times when a headache is the symptom of some pretty serious problems. With that in mind, you always need to be checked out by your doctor if headaches are a problem for you. Please know that this post is not about a cure and isn't a replacement for medical care. It is just my personal experiences with headaches. Phew - now that's out of the way...
In my very unofficial observations and surveys, it seems people are either prone to them or aren't. I am, for several reasons. Allergies is a biggie. I'm also prone to stress causing them. Diet plays a part. But the brain surgery I had in 1987 is a fair contender for the top reason.
There are so many different types of headaches I couldn't go into all of them here. Plus that is the stuff for neurologists to discuss. I get migraines and numerous other types too. The biggest point I want to make in this post is that different issues take different methods. Just because they all fall under the label of headache, doesn't mean there is one single fix.
One of the most successful things I have learned over the years in treating (and heading off, and even preventing) my headaches is learning my body. No one, no doctor, can know YOU like you can. About 7 years ago I was seeing a naturopathic doctor on a regular basis. I think the most important thing she did for me was to teach me to pay attention to what my body was saying. To be a student of me. Take notes, keep a calendar, write lists, don't dismiss a symptom as not related, it might be. If I feel uncomfortable with what a doctor is suggesting or it "doesn't fit", question it. Get a second opinion.
The second most important thing I learned in my headache care
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As I began my essential oil journey one of the main issues I wanted to address were my headaches. I didn't want to be on a maintenance medication (horrible side effects for me. If there is a 2% who gets the side effect, I'll be it), I didn't want to take the prescription migraine medication either, and it often didn't work! The first thing I tried was peppermint topically. It worked sometimes. Then I tried lavender. It worked sometimes. Then I tried this headache buster blend from Dori at www.richestoragsbydori.blogspot.com. It worked more often.
Then I remembered the 2 previous things I had learned and started to apply them to using essential oils with my headaches. Ding! Ding! Ding! "We have a winner"! That was it! I haven't taken a prescription or OTC medication for headaches since. It takes a mindset change from "my head hurts, take a pill", to "my head hurts, what have I eaten recently, what's the weather, am I stressed, etc., then treat".
Here is the process I go through and what I use.
- I first determine if it is a "headache", or impending "migraine" (I've had to learn to go further back in my search for migraine symptoms. Sometimes the nausea begins 12 hours prior). This determines how aggressively I attack it.
- I decide if my seasonal allergies are bothering me. If yes - I apply LLP to my face and head where it hurts and some in my belly button. This can often eliminate the headache for me with no further treatment needed.
- I try to recall if I have exposed myself to any of my food sensitivities. If yes - I take a capsule of digest and apply LLP to my belly button. Amazed me the first time this worked. I had done it on a hunch.
- I assess if I am stressed, anxious or tense. If yes - I apply LXR to my brain stem and temples and a little to my wrist (so I can smell it at will). This will relieve a tension headache for me often. If I am extra tense/stressed/anxious or the first application doesn't work, I layer Jeddy's blend on top.
- I check the weather. These are my toughest headaches and the most frequent cause of any migraines I still get. Any low, or quick change in pressure will cause a severe headache for me due to my prior brain surgery. For this I will apply LXR, then layer the Headache blend (SN Relief) on top. Often it is wise for me to apply these again in a 1/2 hour to kick it from the start. I will also re-apply in a few hours if I even have an inkling that it is coming back. I also make sure that the weather change didn't trigger seasonal allergies as well and cause a double whammy. If it has, I use LLP too.
- If I am thinking I have a hormonally induced headache - Zen and Clary Sage over my heart and on my brain stem, then lavender on a warm rice bag on my head works wonders. (this requires me laying down for 10 min. hard to make myself do sometimes, but so worth it)
- Think about the cause you are treating. What is causing the head pain?
If it is a migraine (any of the previous headache causes can trigger one for me)- I hit it heavier from the get go. I wait less time between the first try of an oil and the second try or repeat layer.
I would love to say I don't get headaches anymore. Unfortunately, I do. Not quite as often now that I studied my body and its reactions. I have eliminated the diet Coke headaches for sure. Like I said, a headache is a symptom, the above list merely treats that symptom with a natural, pure product that has no side effects for me.
The process, or the oils may be different for you. Remember YOU are the expert on your body. If one doesn't work, keep trying until you find what does. I had read several other's posts on how they treat a headache naturally, and used that as a starting point. I experimented from there.
I can't tell you enough, trust your instincts when it comes to your health! Our body is very intuitive. Now and then I will just stand at my oils and try a single oil that "just seems right". Remember to check how it is used - the side of the Spark Natural's bottles state "for aromatic and topical use only", or "for aromatic, topical, or dietary use". You will get to know your oils and their properties by using them.
If you decide to try any of these oils for your headaches - each are linked (affiliate link) to the Spark Natural's website. If you put in coupon code BENDERBOYMOM at checkout you will get 10% off your order.
If you have found an oil helpful to your headaches, please share in the comments!
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