How to build your oil collection on a budget
FYI – sort of a long winding post…..
So you've tried a few essential oils and decided you like “this”,
this thing called essential oils. But, they aren't cheap. I mean, that’s a lot
of money for a little tiny bottle. I get it, I do. But once you start to
realize the unbelievable versatility and natural power that bottle holds – you are
drawn to them. Then, the next step happens; you realize that you haven't taken
___________ (insert over the counter medication you used to live on here) in
over a month. Now you know they are worth every penny, especially since you are
saving money on OTC medications. That’s it, now you're hooked! Every time you
read an EO ‘recipe’ on-line, you try to figure a way to get the oils to make
it. When there is an “Item of the Week” special, you want it. When you smell a
new oil at your friend’s house, you know you need it. You also know (I hope) that
high quality, pure essential oils are critical if you are going to begin using
them for your health. It's a safety issue. A plan is needed….
O.K maybe that was just me. I'll admit, once I decide to do something, I jump all in. Just my nature. But I will say that this time, it was different. Unlike jewelry making, scrapbooking, sewing, or even crochet, this was more than a hobby. More than a pastime or something to keep my brain moving. This was deeply affecting the quality of my life, my health. Essential oils changed the way I was thinking about health, illness, and how to treat it. I wasn't just collecting oils like beads or scrapbook paper. I was wanting to build my “medicine” cabinet for my family. How was I going to do that on a budget?
First, let me explain what I mean by a budget. My husband (Bob) and I run a pretty tight ship on our spending. It needs to be that way in order
to feed/house/feed/insure/feed/support 4 teenage boys. That means, I have free reign to
buy the necessities, but I don’t just buy that really cute purse at Target because
it is on sale and a great deal. I have a
certain amount I spend on certain categories weekly. Outside of that, it needs
to come from my “allowance”, or I have to ask (he’s sweet, he says yes if we
can – but I try not to ask for non-necessities often).
The essential oil collection I've built has happened over
the past 10 months. It moved very slowly in the beginning... I used my
allowance to buy a bottle here and there. Usually ingredients to a “recipe” for
one of my ailments. At this point in my addiction journey, I knew
Bob didn't see the medicinal side of essential oils. He still saw it as a
new hobby. Sure, they smelled nice but…
Last Christmas and birthday (December 23rd and 25th) I asked
for oils. My mom ordered me $50 of oils and sweet hubby got me the OOTM club for Christmas – score!.
By March I had signed up as a SN affiliate so that I got the
10% discount on what I bought, AND I earned commission on the same purchase. Legitimate double dipping? Why yes, yes I will, thank you very much! Once a month a check
would come and I would spend the whole thing (minus tithe)and plus my
allowance, on oils.
By May, Bob and I were both using the LLP allergy capsules daily. He was a believer in those at least. I figured out the monthly cost of
them, and asked him if he could please pay that amount out of our joint money
because it was a medical expense and my allowance wasn't covering it. Good news
was we had cut the medical expense of RX and OTC allergy meds and Tylenol.

Bob now believes in essential oils as he has seen them work for many
things (the pain salve and cold and flu bomb were the other ones that won him
over). Since we have been able to cut several medical expenses due to the oils,
when I NEED an oil I can ask for family budget money to cover it. However, I've
built a good collection so usually, they are wants.
When I want an oil here are some ways I can make them fit my budget….
- Ask for them as a gift for Christmas/birthday/holiday
- Split the cost of a better value 15ml bottle with a friend then split the bottle (if you live close and need an empty bottle to use – I'm happy to give you one)
- Buy the smaller 5ml bottle for the time being - some oils I use infrequently and this is plenty
- Share the cost of other accessories or carrier oils with a friend. Another person starting out with you will often be trying to cut costs too.
- Pool an order with some friends to get free shipping (shipping on orders over $55 is free)
- Take advantage of OOTM club and weekly specials.
- Spend my commission check (here is how you sign up as an affiliate)
- Substitute a lesser expensive oil with similar properties (great list here)
- Keep track of money I used to spend on other medical expenses and reallocate it to the EO budget
- Make your own blends. Camp Wander did some great recipes here in this post. or DIY Dream, or mix equal parts Zen and Bliss to make LXR.
- Sell old craft supplies I no longer use and put that money towards building my oil collection
- For that matter, have a garage sale to build funds for oils
- I share about oils all the time with people and sometimes they use my code and I earn a commission
- Honestly, I really look at what I spend money on. I think, “do I want this more than an essential oil I was wanting” for me, the answer is often no. So then I go spend it on the oil instead of the purse/shoes/lunch out etc.
If you have ways you have built up your oil collection on a
budget, please share in the comments. I would love to hear additional ways!
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